The Exeter IBD and Pharmacogenetics Research Group

The Exeter IBD and Pharmacogenetics Research group  (University of Exeter/Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Trust) is headed up by Dr Tariq Ahmad, Consultant Gastroenterologist. 

It was formed in 2010 to initially investigate the genetics around side effects caused by taking drugs used in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD).  

Since its inception the group have led 10 UK-wide NIHR portfolio-adopted studies including PRED4, PANTS  and CLARITY IBD  The studies have reported clinically actionable findings in high ranking journals and been recognised by awards from the European Crohn’s and colitis organisation in 2018 and 2021. 
Collectively our studies have recruited more than 12,000 patients from a network of 140 UK hospitals across all 4 nations. 
The group was awarded the 2021 BSG/ NIHR CRN research team award for making an outstanding contribution to the NIHR portfolio. Our recent paperless studies have employed electronic consent, patient-reported outcomes and home blood sampling, returning results directly to patients Clinicians in Conversation: CLARITY IBD - Pragmatic pointers from a trial delivered in a pandemic - National Institute for Health Research | Podcast on Spotify. 
The group provide research training for PhD students and overseas visiting fellows. 


Exeter IBD Research Group

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